A Safety Alert for Traffic Management has been issued by WorkSafe following the recent tragic incident resulting in one fatality and serious injury of traffic control workers. There have also been a number of other incidents recently where workers have been struck and injured or placed at risk by errant vehicles.

WorkSafe has issued issuing the following safety alert to raise awareness about the hazards and risks associated with traffic management – CLICK HERE.

Construction work on or near a live road is high risk construction work (HRCW). Employers and self-employed persons must prepare a safe work method statement (SWMS) before commencing HRCW and implement the controls set out in the SWMS.

CCF Victoria’s Civil Train delivers courses in traffic control and management, several of which are now available in through the $0 fee civil short course program in conjunction with the Victorian Government Dept. of Education and Training.

CLICK HERE to find out more.